How to Plan for the (Un)Expected on Your Road Trip
If you're feeling a little restless, now might be the perfect time to take the family on a short road trip. After all, fall brings with it a cooler climate and beautiful scenery, what with the leaves changing color. Whether it's a trip to your parents, or a weekend away at the beach,
First Place Oils in Crest Hill, IL has some basic car maintenance tips to help make your trip a stress free one.
Keep the Battery in Mind
Road trips are the perfect time to check the condition of your battery. If it's looking a little worn, consider replacing it before you head off. If you are taking a longer road trip, consider the additional load on your car battery such as recharging electrical items and gadgets.
Don't Forget to Look at the Brakes and Fluid
Safety is everybody's priority, and needless to say, brakes are key to maintaining a safe car. Along with checking the condition of your brake pads, take a look at your brake fluid levels. Whether it's a long or short journey, brakes are important to keeping you safe and getting you to your destination in one piece.
Take Emergency Supplies with You
Do you have a tool kit in your car in the event that something small goes wrong? Keeping equipment like a flashlight, screwdriver, pliers, and other tools you find yourself often using when performing car maintenance is a great way to prepare for small problems that may come up. You may also want to keep a first-aid kit with you in case you need it while you're away.
Prepare Your Engine for a Road Trip with the Best Synthetic Oil in Crest Hill, IL!
Remember that if you want your engine to take you to your destination while running cool, strong, and smooth, you should employ only the best products on it. For instance, feeding it with AMSOIL top-of-the-line products can affect its performance and its lifespan in a positive way.
Now that you have the basics considered, speak with your local
synthetic oil expert here at
First Place Oils on
815 570 4645 about the
best synthetic oil in Crest Hill, IL for your engine to keep it performing on your journey. Be sure to call if you require some guidance regarding the best products for your vehicle, or if you'd like to find out more about the wide variety of benefits that AMSOIL products can have on your vehicle and its components. You can also check out our
online store to find even more great products and information for you to read.